Last active 1731012428


Revision 2b6379a9ff14776a364f7746c26f05931a9bee8b

config.ini Raw
1# vi: ft=dosini
4# Multi-line mode allows breaking up the sql statements into multiple lines. If
5# this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon.
6# If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple
7# lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement.
8multi_line = False
10# Default pager.
11# By default '$PAGER' environment variable is used
12pager = less -SRXF
14# Table format. Possible values:
15# ascii, double, github, psql, plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, orgtbl,
16# rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_booktabs, textile, moinmoin, jira,
17# vertical, tsv, csv.
18# Recommended: ascii
19table_format = psql_unicode
21# Syntax coloring style. Possible values (many support the "-dark" suffix):
22# manni, igor, xcode, vim, autumn, vs, rrt, native, perldoc, borland, tango, emacs,
23# friendly, monokai, paraiso, colorful, murphy, bw, pastie, paraiso, trac, default,
24# fruity.
25# Screenshots at
26syntax_style = pastie-dark
28# Enabling this option will show the suggestions in a wider menu. Thus more items are suggested.
29wider_completion_menu = True
31# keyword casing preference. Possible values "lower", "upper", "auto"
32keyword_casing = upper
34# disabled pager on startup
35enable_pager = True
37# Startup commands
38# litecli commands or sqlite commands to be executed on startup.
39# some of them will require you to have a database attached.
40# they will be executed in the same order as they appear in the list.
42commands = ".tables"