Last active 1731012428


kody's Avatar kody revised this gist 1731012427. Go to revision

1 file changed, 1 insertion, 1 deletion


@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
5 5 # this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon.
6 6 # If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple
7 7 # lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement.
8 - multi_line = True
8 + multi_line = False
9 9
10 10 # Default pager.
11 11 # By default '$PAGER' environment variable is used

kody's Avatar kody revised this gist 1731011075. Go to revision

1 file changed, 87 deletions


@@ -7,25 +7,6 @@
7 7 # lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement.
8 8 multi_line = True
9 9
10 - # Destructive warning mode will alert you before executing a sql statement
11 - # that may cause harm to the database such as "drop table", "drop database"
12 - # or "shutdown".
13 - destructive_warning = True
14 -
15 - # log_file location.
16 - # In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/litecli/log
17 - # In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\litecli\log
18 - # %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
19 - log_file = default
20 -
21 - # Default log level. Possible values: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO"
22 - # and "DEBUG". "NONE" disables logging.
23 - log_level = INFO
24 -
25 - # Log every query and its results to a file. Enable this by uncommenting the
26 - # line below.
27 - # audit_log = ~/.litecli-audit.log
28 -
29 10 # Default pager.
30 11 # By default '$PAGER' environment variable is used
31 12 pager = less -SRXF
@@ -44,86 +25,18 @@ table_format = psql_unicode
44 25 # Screenshots at
45 26 syntax_style = pastie-dark
46 27
47 - # Keybindings: Possible values: emacs, vi.
48 - # Emacs mode: Ctrl-A is home, Ctrl-E is end. All emacs keybindings are available in the REPL.
49 - # When Vi mode is enabled you can use modal editing features offered by Vi in the REPL.
50 - key_bindings = emacs
51 -
52 28 # Enabling this option will show the suggestions in a wider menu. Thus more items are suggested.
53 29 wider_completion_menu = True
54 30
55 - # Autocompletion is on by default. This can be truned off by setting this
56 - # option to False. Pressing tab will still trigger completion.
57 - autocompletion = True
58 -
59 - # litecli prompt
60 - # \D - The full current date
61 - # \d - Database name
62 - # \f - File basename of the "main" database
63 - # \m - Minutes of the current time
64 - # \n - Newline
65 - # \P - AM/PM
66 - # \R - The current time, in 24-hour military time (0-23)
67 - # \r - The current time, standard 12-hour time (1-12)
68 - # \s - Seconds of the current time
69 - # \x1b[...m - insert ANSI escape sequence
70 - prompt = '\d> '
71 - prompt_continuation = '-> '
72 -
73 - # Show/hide the informational toolbar with function keymap at the footer.
74 - show_bottom_toolbar = True
75 -
76 - # Skip intro info on startup and outro info on exit
77 - less_chatty = False
78 -
79 - # Use alias from --login-path instead of host name in prompt
80 - login_path_as_host = False
81 -
82 - # Cause result sets to be displayed vertically if they are too wide for the current window,
83 - # and using normal tabular format otherwise. (This applies to statements terminated by ; or \G.)
84 - auto_vertical_output = False
85 -
86 31 # keyword casing preference. Possible values "lower", "upper", "auto"
87 32 keyword_casing = upper
88 33
89 34 # disabled pager on startup
90 35 enable_pager = True
91 36
92 - # Custom colors for the completion menu, toolbar, etc.
93 - [colors]
94 - completion-menu.completion.current = 'bg:#ffffff #000000'
95 - completion-menu.completion = 'bg:#008888 #ffffff'
96 - completion-menu.meta.completion.current = 'bg:#44aaaa #000000'
97 - completion-menu.meta.completion = 'bg:#448888 #ffffff'
98 - completion-menu.multi-column-meta = 'bg:#aaffff #000000'
99 - scrollbar.arrow = 'bg:#003333'
100 - scrollbar = 'bg:#00aaaa'
101 - selected = '#ffffff bg:#6666aa'
102 - search = '#ffffff bg:#4444aa'
103 - search.current = '#ffffff bg:#44aa44'
104 - bottom-toolbar = 'bg:#222222 #aaaaaa'
105 - = 'bg:#222222 #888888'
106 - bottom-toolbar.on = 'bg:#222222 #ffffff'
107 - search-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
108 - search-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
109 - system-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
110 - arg-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
111 - arg-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
112 - bottom-toolbar.transaction.valid = 'bg:#222222 #00ff5f bold'
113 - bottom-toolbar.transaction.failed = 'bg:#222222 #ff005f bold'
114 -
115 - # style classes for colored table output
116 - output.header = "#00ff5f bold"
117 - output.odd-row = ""
118 - output.even-row = ""
119 -
120 - # Favorite queries.
121 - [favorite_queries]
122 -
123 37 # Startup commands
124 38 # litecli commands or sqlite commands to be executed on startup.
125 39 # some of them will require you to have a database attached.
126 40 # they will be executed in the same order as they appear in the list.
127 41 [startup_commands]
128 - #commands = ".tables", "pragma foreign_keys = ON;"
129 42 commands = ".tables"

kody's Avatar kody revised this gist 1731010945. Go to revision

1 file changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions

litecli_config.ini renamed to config.ini

File renamed without changes

kody's Avatar kody revised this gist 1731010905. Go to revision

1 file changed, 129 insertions

litecli_config.ini(file created)

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
1 + # vi: ft=dosini
2 + [main]
3 +
4 + # Multi-line mode allows breaking up the sql statements into multiple lines. If
5 + # this is set to True, then the end of the statements must have a semi-colon.
6 + # If this is set to False then sql statements can't be split into multiple
7 + # lines. End of line (return) is considered as the end of the statement.
8 + multi_line = True
9 +
10 + # Destructive warning mode will alert you before executing a sql statement
11 + # that may cause harm to the database such as "drop table", "drop database"
12 + # or "shutdown".
13 + destructive_warning = True
14 +
15 + # log_file location.
16 + # In Unix/Linux: ~/.config/litecli/log
17 + # In Windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\dbcli\litecli\log
18 + # %USERPROFILE% is typically C:\Users\{username}
19 + log_file = default
20 +
21 + # Default log level. Possible values: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO"
22 + # and "DEBUG". "NONE" disables logging.
23 + log_level = INFO
24 +
25 + # Log every query and its results to a file. Enable this by uncommenting the
26 + # line below.
27 + # audit_log = ~/.litecli-audit.log
28 +
29 + # Default pager.
30 + # By default '$PAGER' environment variable is used
31 + pager = less -SRXF
32 +
33 + # Table format. Possible values:
34 + # ascii, double, github, psql, plain, simple, grid, fancy_grid, pipe, orgtbl,
35 + # rst, mediawiki, html, latex, latex_booktabs, textile, moinmoin, jira,
36 + # vertical, tsv, csv.
37 + # Recommended: ascii
38 + table_format = psql_unicode
39 +
40 + # Syntax coloring style. Possible values (many support the "-dark" suffix):
41 + # manni, igor, xcode, vim, autumn, vs, rrt, native, perldoc, borland, tango, emacs,
42 + # friendly, monokai, paraiso, colorful, murphy, bw, pastie, paraiso, trac, default,
43 + # fruity.
44 + # Screenshots at
45 + syntax_style = pastie-dark
46 +
47 + # Keybindings: Possible values: emacs, vi.
48 + # Emacs mode: Ctrl-A is home, Ctrl-E is end. All emacs keybindings are available in the REPL.
49 + # When Vi mode is enabled you can use modal editing features offered by Vi in the REPL.
50 + key_bindings = emacs
51 +
52 + # Enabling this option will show the suggestions in a wider menu. Thus more items are suggested.
53 + wider_completion_menu = True
54 +
55 + # Autocompletion is on by default. This can be truned off by setting this
56 + # option to False. Pressing tab will still trigger completion.
57 + autocompletion = True
58 +
59 + # litecli prompt
60 + # \D - The full current date
61 + # \d - Database name
62 + # \f - File basename of the "main" database
63 + # \m - Minutes of the current time
64 + # \n - Newline
65 + # \P - AM/PM
66 + # \R - The current time, in 24-hour military time (0-23)
67 + # \r - The current time, standard 12-hour time (1-12)
68 + # \s - Seconds of the current time
69 + # \x1b[...m - insert ANSI escape sequence
70 + prompt = '\d> '
71 + prompt_continuation = '-> '
72 +
73 + # Show/hide the informational toolbar with function keymap at the footer.
74 + show_bottom_toolbar = True
75 +
76 + # Skip intro info on startup and outro info on exit
77 + less_chatty = False
78 +
79 + # Use alias from --login-path instead of host name in prompt
80 + login_path_as_host = False
81 +
82 + # Cause result sets to be displayed vertically if they are too wide for the current window,
83 + # and using normal tabular format otherwise. (This applies to statements terminated by ; or \G.)
84 + auto_vertical_output = False
85 +
86 + # keyword casing preference. Possible values "lower", "upper", "auto"
87 + keyword_casing = upper
88 +
89 + # disabled pager on startup
90 + enable_pager = True
91 +
92 + # Custom colors for the completion menu, toolbar, etc.
93 + [colors]
94 + completion-menu.completion.current = 'bg:#ffffff #000000'
95 + completion-menu.completion = 'bg:#008888 #ffffff'
96 + completion-menu.meta.completion.current = 'bg:#44aaaa #000000'
97 + completion-menu.meta.completion = 'bg:#448888 #ffffff'
98 + completion-menu.multi-column-meta = 'bg:#aaffff #000000'
99 + scrollbar.arrow = 'bg:#003333'
100 + scrollbar = 'bg:#00aaaa'
101 + selected = '#ffffff bg:#6666aa'
102 + search = '#ffffff bg:#4444aa'
103 + search.current = '#ffffff bg:#44aa44'
104 + bottom-toolbar = 'bg:#222222 #aaaaaa'
105 + = 'bg:#222222 #888888'
106 + bottom-toolbar.on = 'bg:#222222 #ffffff'
107 + search-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
108 + search-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
109 + system-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
110 + arg-toolbar = 'noinherit bold'
111 + arg-toolbar.text = 'nobold'
112 + bottom-toolbar.transaction.valid = 'bg:#222222 #00ff5f bold'
113 + bottom-toolbar.transaction.failed = 'bg:#222222 #ff005f bold'
114 +
115 + # style classes for colored table output
116 + output.header = "#00ff5f bold"
117 + output.odd-row = ""
118 + output.even-row = ""
119 +
120 + # Favorite queries.
121 + [favorite_queries]
122 +
123 + # Startup commands
124 + # litecli commands or sqlite commands to be executed on startup.
125 + # some of them will require you to have a database attached.
126 + # they will be executed in the same order as they appear in the list.
127 + [startup_commands]
128 + #commands = ".tables", "pragma foreign_keys = ON;"
129 + commands = ".tables"
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